2017 Webinar Series

Sharing wisdom from the OWHE community

We have had a fantastic series of 2017 Webinars for Oregon Women in Higher Education! Please feel free to check them out below! 


May 15, 2017: Carrie Weikel-Delaplane
​"Welcoming Campuses"

What tools can we use to make our practice as higher education professionals and our campuses more welcoming and friendly places? Often just having this conversation is an important step to increase awareness and share tools, ideas, and inspiration together as a community. Many of our students come to our campuses and have a negative experience and never return. It is up to all of us to continue to grow and employ resources to make our interactions and our campuses as inclusive and welcoming as possible. Our students are depending on it. 

In this interactive session, the presenters will share best practices and ideas for making our practice and our campuses as welcoming and inclusive as possible. Participants will also be encouraged to reflect on their tools and experiences and collaborate with others to share promising practices.


June 28, 2017: Lea Griess

Building Bridges Between Academic and Student Affairs 

Cross campus collaboration can be a challenge; specifically, collaboration between academic and student affairs. As student retention becomes more of a focus of higher education institutions, how do we as higher education professionals work together to support student success? In this webinar, the presenter will share and evaluate some strategies and best practices for building bridges between academic and student affairs professionals. The presenter will unpack some of the challenges she faces with cross campus collaborations as well. Participants will take away concrete strategies to build bridges on their campus. 


July 24, 2017: Dayspring Mattole and Claudia Ramirez Islas

Unpacking Unconscious Bias 

This webinar will provide an overview of the concept of unconscious bias and related research, with a focus on strategies for recognizing and addressing our own biases, managing biases we experience in and out of the workplace, and conclude with strategies for recognizing and addressing structural biases in our organizations. As women, it is important to share our stories and lived experiences in order to positively influence and strengthen the next generation of women leaders. As individuals with multiple intersecting and marginalized identities, we must continue to grow and enhance our skills to better advocate for others and ourselves when unconscious biases, amongst other things, are present in our everyday experiences. While many higher education professionals may be familiar with unconscious bias as an academic concept, most of us would benefit from deeper reflection of our own biases and experiences as targets of biased behavior. This webinar will strive to empower participants with skills and tools to be resilient in the workplace and to be agents of change on the individual, group, and organizational level.


August 16, 2017: Erica Curry

Transformational Supervision of Student Workers 

Leading student workers, or any new professionals, presents unique opportunities and challenges, as they undergo personal and professional change and development. This webinar will demonstrate how student workers can be valuable contributors through effective mentoring, delegation, and project management. The presenter will outline how Oregon State University Ecampus has developed an exceptional student worker team through a mentorship mentality and recent organizational behavior research to provide transformational leadership. The webinar will provide attendees a chance to reflect on, discuss, and share strategies for creating a similar culture in which both the department unit and employees are set up for future success.


September 5, 2017: Sharece Bunn

Confronting Whiteness in Higher Education and in the Workplace 

Confronting Whiteness in the Workplace encourages participants to investigate how Whiteness affects their work in higher education. During this webinar, the presenter will frame the discussion about Whiteness and lead participants through exercises that challenge dominant paradigms that exist within our institutions. Participants will work through case studies that will enable them to develop a toolbox of ideas for how to confront whiteness. The webinar will end with a call to action to empower Oregon Women in Higher Education to engage in social justice work by confronting Whiteness and challenging racism within our institutions through our daily interactions and activities. 


October 25, 2017: Debby Espinor, Anna Berardi, Linda Samek, Gloria Doherty & Robin Ashford

Building a Model for Professional Development and Mentoring the Next Generation of Women 

Building on experience with a campus digital fluency initiative, a sustainable professional development model had been developed that is transferable to mentoring the next generation of women leaders in higher education. This model is easily replicated and can transform the work we do on our campuses to provide networks and opportunities for women with leadership potential. This webinar is aligned with the theme of embracing change and transforming the cadre of women coming into their most productive years as leaders and change agents. There will be lots of room for conversations and shared experiences with a strong model to be shared and deep work around pedagogy, technology and leadership.


November 15, 2017: Heather Kropf and Anna Schmidt-MacKenzie

Transforming into a Learning Organization 

This webinar will allow attendees to better understand how to create or lead an organization focusing on transformational learning. You'll get a firm understanding of why learning is critical to the work we do, why we rarely focus on it, and how to change your approach to better meet your institutional and organizational mission. Creating Learning Goals and Learning Outcomes for your students does not need to be esoteric or inaccessible-this webinar will be energetic, fun and show you the practical way to transform your organization into a learning-centric environment.


You can access resources and slides from the webinars in this 2017 Webinar Series Resource Folder through Google!