2018 Webinars
Engage in Learning with OWHE!
2018 Webinar Series
February 14: Serving on the OWHE Board of Directors with Chrysanthemum Hayes, Lea Griess, Alexis Terrell, and Annie Popoff
Have you ever thought about running for the OWHE Board of Directors? Now's your chance! Elections are in March! This webinar will help you understand Board Member roles and ask questions! We have four open positions in 2018: Chair of the Board, Incoming Conference Chair, Director of Outreach, and Director of Engagement.
April 19: Practicing What We Preach: Supporting Ourselves While Supporting Our Students with Janette Clay
As higher education practitioners, we support students daily with guidance and steps to create a healthy school-life balance. We often cover such topics as time management, goal setting, self-care, managing stress, and more. But what about caring for ourselves? We may feel isolated balancing our roles and responsibilities on and off campus; yet there are many ways to build community and realize “we are not alone”. Through a contextual framework of compassion fatigue and tactics for setting boundaries; self-care strategies will be identified, and steps for creating a personal action plan will be discussed.
May 17: Onboarding: Engagement from Day One with Brenna Kutch
This webinar will outline best practices, tips, and tools for onboarding new employees into your organization for manager and administrative support. The goals of this webinar are to understand why onboarding is essential to engagement and what steps managers can take to ensure an effective onboarding experience for new employees including staff, faculty, and student employees. Participants will share their own experiences, and return to their organizations with ideas for improving their processes and creating tools to facilitate an awesome and supportive environment from day one.
August 16: From Difficult to Developmental: Reframing Hard Conversations as Growth Opportunities with Stephanie Heffner
For women in higher education, it is important to have the ability to engage in difficult conversations. This webinar seeks to promote solidarity, awareness, and confidence for women in higher education. Content includes analyzing starting points, conflict styles, and human relations theory as they apply to difficult conversations. This webinar focuses on difficult conversations that may arise with students, however, the theories presented are applicable beyond the roles of student and staff interaction. Often a necessity for many in higher education, challenging situations can transform into personal, professional and community growth.
September 4: Dimensions of Culture and Influences in Higher Education with Kara Sappington
How do you view culture? How do existing cultural dimensions influence classroom and campus interactions? This webinar gives a brief overview of Geert Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory and how it can impact community, academic classrooms and interactions with others. Investigating Hofstede's research on cultural values and their impacts on behavior can help individuals become aware of potential differences. This knowledge can help one to work more effectively with coworkers and students and prevent misunderstandings. At the end of this session, participants will have explored general cultural differences, discussed tips to promote learning, and have a foundation to build intercultural communication skills.
October 5: Basics of Personal Finance and Salary Negotiation with Yuliya Dennis
In Basics Personal Finance and Salary Negotiation, participants will learn about finance management tools that help with achieving their financial goals, including how to negotiate your salary. Topics covered include tracking expenses, financial goals setting, prioritizing values, establishing an emergency fund, negotiating salary, debt management, and basics of retirement and investment. The webinar will finish with the application of at least one strategy/tool to the participant’s financial goals.
November 14: Fostering Inclusive & Body Positive Culture for Students and Staff in Higher Education with Kate Walford
Body image and diet culture are widely-known concern for institutions of higher education; in particular for women, non-binary, and LGBTQIA students, as well as faculty and staff. This webinar will address body image as a community issue affecting all of us – staff and students. We will discuss current research on body image, issues of diversity & inclusion in body image work, and how college campuses contribute to both positive and negative body image environments. Through background knowledge and specific strategies, this webinar will prepare higher education professionals to begin creating fully inclusive body positive work and learning environments.
December 10: Gender 101 with Briana Stansbury
Gender 101 is an introduction to concepts surrounding gender. Webinar participants will reflect on their first experiences receiving gendered messaging, watch a video about terminology, gain useful tools (such as the gender unicorn) to help hone equitable praxis around gender equity, and dive into how gender is socially constructed. The webinar will also have a heavy focus on gender pronouns and why they matter.
Check out the Resource Folder for the 2018 OWHE Webinar Series!