2019 Webinars

Past 2019 Webinars - Click on the title for the link to YouTube.

January 18: OWHE Presentation Tips with Erica Curry and Jenna Geracitano 

Creating presentations is an art-form. In this interactive webinar, hosts share tips and tools for making an engaging and accessible presentation that will work for a variety of audience members.  


February 6: Advocacy 101 with Sharece Bunn

Advocacy for all: whether it be advocating for students on college campuses, calling our state senators, leading marching for change, or working on self-advocacy, all folks have opportunities to advocate for positive change. In this webinar, OWHE members will be encouraged to reflect on their goals and hopes for advocacy work. They will be able to share how they are seeking a community for advocacy and will together, seek tangible ways to advocate for a better world.


March 1: OWHE Board of Directors Elections with Brenna KutchErica CurryJessika ChiLea Griess, and Sharece Bunn

OWHE Board Elections are this month! Join us for this webinar about what it takes to be on the board! You'll have a chance to hear about the open positions and ask questions! We have four open positions in 2019: Chair of the Board, Incoming Conference Chair, Director of Education, and Director of Business Operations. 


April 23: Develop & Refine Your Problem Solving Skills with Jess Waldschmidt 

We all face problems both at work and at home which makes problem-solving an integral skill for anyone to have. For the career-oriented, it is of particular importance to know how to find appropriate solutions and apply them to our work. This webinar will help you improve your ability to identify and address the various problems you face. Problem solving is not the same as critical thinking, and therefore requires a strategy that needs practice; this is why you seek "problem solving" listed as a required skill in most job postings. Attendees will be introduced to a standardized problem-solving framework, gain an understanding of the importance of mindset when facing problems, and learn strategies to optimize their solutions and refine their problem-solving skillset. 


June 3:  OWHE New Member Welcome! 

New to OWHE? Want a refresher on what we do? Please join us for the OWHE New Member Welcome webinar! The OWHE Board is excited to welcome any new members to this growing and diverse community! We have a network of 700+ members at over 30 institutions across Oregon, and are growing daily! We will also have a meet-and-greet with our four new board members!  You will learn about:

  • The history of Oregon Women in Higher Education (OWHE)

  • OWHE's mission, vision, and values

  • OWHE's Board of Directors, including a new board member welcome!

  • The benefits of being a member

  • How to get involved!


July 17: Job-Crafting: Reimagining Your Work to Improve Satisfaction & Engagement with moderator Alex Aljets and panelists: Sarah KuttenSarah Johnston, and Chrysanthemum Hayes​

When we feel disengaged at work, many of us think of changing jobs. But what if you could reenergize and reframe your current job? Supported by organizational behavior research, “job crafting” provides a framework to reimagine our work lives by redefining tasks, relationships, and perceptions to increase engagement and job satisfaction. Join this webinar to learn about the types of job crafting, recognize job crafting elements in stories from women in higher education who redefined their jobs, and apply these principles to improve your own engagement and satisfaction at work or to support the development of those you supervise.


August 29th: #squadgoals with Alisha Higley and Tiffany Thom 

#squadgoals addresses the values of meaningful community through a discussion about the importance of strong team relationships. Throughout the webinar we will discuss the necessity of a positive team environment and provide concrete methods for our participants to use to promote these bonds within their own institutions. Topics will focus on different ways to strengthen and improve relationships, team talk during on-boarding, collaboration across institutional departments, as well as the crucial role the manager and/or team leader plays in creating an atmosphere where your coworkers are welcoming and supportive.


September 27th: Code-Switching in the Workplace with Demian Lucas 

Code switching can be an effective way to relate to others. By shifting language, tone and non-verbal communication tactics the speaker may be able to connect with others more quickly and easily. Essential to understanding this communication tactic is the process by which meaning is created; through interaction with others or self. There are also cautions related to code switching as excessive switching may be impractical and inauthentic. Understanding these ideas will enrich participant interpersonal and intrapersonal communication effectiveness.The webinar will explicate and explore code switching, meaning creation and discuss their impact within a dynamic and diverse college environment. Participants will also have an opportunity to evaluate and potentially improve their communication practices.


October 10th: Practicing Civil Discourse in Un-civil Times with Linda Samek & Debby Espinor

In 2019 it seems that our world is too often unable to participate in civil conversations around controversial topics. This webinar will provide skills and tools for those who have opportunity to engage in or facilitate such conversations. We will explore several protocols and tools and then provide opportunity to practice using them to promote civil conversations using common scenarios found in the workplace, in the neighborhood, and in your family. This is a leadership skill that is desperately needed in our workplaces across genders, generations, and world views.


November 20th:​ Sorry, Not Sorry: Using Language to Maintain Authority with Ashley Nilson

Ever find yourself habitually saying “sorry”? Or trying to cover your words with hesitancy so you don’t seem too pushy? Then this webinar is for you! Apologetic language is a form of speaking that reduces our authority and damages our confidence. It’s feeling the need to apologize for our own opinions, or to hint at what we mean rather than outright saying it. In this webinar we’ll look at different forms of apologetic language, including how we use it in our own lives, and develop methods to use authoritative language instead. Because sorry, but we’re not sorry.

2019 Webinar Resource Folder